hot teas

Hot Tea Toddies

Warm and toasty, ideal for cold and snowy days, the Hot Toddy is a classic hot drink. Most black and green teas mix well with honey and lemon, but from there it’s a personal preference. The hot toddy – that age-old cold remedy – really does work wonders at helping you recover from a virus! Just limit yourself to one drink; too much alcohol can adversely affect the immune system. In a mug, combine 1 Tablespoon whiskey, 1 Tablespoon honey, Juice of a small lemon & hot tea. If desired, garnish with lemon slices, cinnamon and a pinch of ground nutmeg. Serves one. If preferred any of the following can be substituted: Rum, Brandy, Grand Marnier, Amaretto, Crème de Mênthe, Framboise, Cherry Herring, Calvados or Frangelico.
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